Deriv bot trading

Hello, I NEED HELP!!!
does anyone knows the parameters used in trading forex pairs in deriv automated trading without using mt5 or mt4 just like volatility 100? is it even possible. Because I think the coding differs a little bit.
Volatility 100 is found on Accumulators, vanillas, multipliers, turbo and other sections while forex pairs are found in multipliers section. I know that volatility 100 uses ‘put’ and ‘call’ to place trades, duration can be set to 's’or ‘m’, it’s symbol is and also uses ‘count’ granularity and style is ticks.

How about forex pairs, what do I need to change? All the time i run my script, I get error message: ‘Invalid proposal id’

“Placing CALL trade…
Invalid proposal ID; trade not placed.
Placing PUT trade…
Invalid proposal ID; trade not placed.
Waiting 20 seconds before next trades…”

I’m using termux for Android - similar to cmd - to run the script .
I need help, thanks.
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