Create an API Token

Greetings Deriv Community,

We would like to share that you can create an API token by clicking on the link: Deriv App | Deriv

Give your token a name, select the scope, and click Create

Here’s how you may gain benefit by using Deriv API:

  1. What you can do with our API:
  • Create websites that are similar to the ones we own but have different characteristics.
  • Create mobile and desktop applications that perform transactions for themselves and other users.
  1. Create websites and host bots

  2. Create desktop applications

  3. Automate services such as payment agents

How can you generate commissions with our API?

  • Get commissions for each registration or operation carried out through it.
  • Add up to 3% markup to contract prices and earn revenue with each contract.
  • Sign up as a payment agent and receive a commission for each payment you process for Deriv customers through your personalized website.

How to register to use the Deriv API?

Steps to register an application:

  1. Create a Deriv account if you don’t have one (demo or real, if you want to receive commissions)
  2. Create an admin access API token.
  3. Fill out the form at
  4. Go to your app and add your app_id to be able to commission.
  • The commissions generated by the application or the website are paid to the owner of the application on the 15th of each month in the CR account.
  • No minimum amount is required for payment.

Note: Be aware of the type of token that is granted access to your account and its scope of permissions.

For further information about API, you can check this article:

If you have any questions, please visit our Help Centre or contact us via Live Chat and WhatsApp.

How to change currency

Dear @aswithe-adermin-2. To assist you further in regards to your currency change, kindly reach out to us via LiveChat, for better assistance and protection of your account’s data. We’ll work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. Thank you.