I tried depositing BTC to my Deriv wallet since my card option is having issues.
I’ve been sent a confirmation mail by binance telling me that my transaction was successful but I am yet to see the BTC reflect in my Deriv BTC wallet.
Please what do I do?
Bom dia , prossegui de acordo com tudo no seu nome , se tiver no seu nome , seu capital irá retorna a sua carteira
y el numero de la trasferencia La operacion ID C723NX4408UB9A1E
Hey I just wanted to know if this situation has been solved for you?
I deposited via btc today sun 4th via paxful and already received an email from paxful that the deposit was successful bt getting to my deriv account i dont see any btc what could be the reason
Yo tengo 6 días esperando un retiro y no me dan solución me envían correos repetidos pidiéndome una y otra vez la misma información y subiendo las tarifas de retiro me piden mi wallet para que luego en otro correo hacer lo mismo y mi dinero aún no lo devuelven