Deriv professional thieves false advertising

This is supposed to be a constant volatility of only 10% …this is a 1hour time frame 240$ move straight down for 10hour because majority is buying so deriv steals everyone money . Is this a random number generator…which lie do they want us to believe

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Hello @alacran-ablator-2 , we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience. To make things right, our team has already reached out to you via email to address your case. If you have any further inquiries or issues, don’t hesitate to contact us through LiveChat. We’re here to help and would be delighted to assist you further. Thank you!

Hello sir. I am also worried on the same issue deriv lies to us all the time buy buy ir selling against retail traders. I noticed they replied to you via email privately. I would love to know the explanation they are giving for the unprecedented manipulation

Hi @assayed-abomine-2, we are sorry to learn that your experience didn’t meet your expectations.

For over two decades, our company has followed strict standards, maintaining licences from various financial authorities. Our operations are checked regularly by both internal and external auditors, ensuring the integrity and accurate execution of all contracts.

Trading markets are volatile by nature, and while this can create opportunities, it also presents risks. The outcomes of trades can be different from expectations due to this volatility. As a market-based platform, we must clarify that we exercise no influence over clients’ positions, trade placements, or trade outcomes. Our procedures and operations are continuously monitored by independent regulators to ensure transparency and fairness.

We also invite you to review our Risk disclosure, which outlines the inherent risks of trading CFDs and the potential for rapid and significant fluctuations in the market.

To address your specific concerns, we encourage you to forward the trade ID and relevant details via Live Chat. This will enable us to investigate the trade and support you effectively.

Your satisfaction remains our priority. If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to reach out.

They have a automated reply system and say the same thing to everyone and every msg sent . The automated system always just askes for trade id that they can look at . We are not talking about a trade we are talking about mass price manipulation . They have also now started closing trades automatically in the early hours of the morning , not on margin call , even if you are floating in 100s of dollars profit they auto close your positions so you cannot make too much profit…this has happened now a few times , i contact support to ask why they always close trades if you floating big profit , still waiting for a bullshit lie reply

Hi @alacran-ablator-2 . For over two decades, our company has followed strict standards, maintaining licences from various financial authorities. Our operations are checked regularly by both internal and external auditors, ensuring the integrity and accurate execution of all contracts.

Trading markets are volatile by nature, and while this can create opportunities, it also presents risks. The outcomes of trades can be different from expectations due to this volatility. As a market-based platform, we must clarify that we exercise no influence over clients’ positions, trade placements, or trade outcomes. Our procedures and operations are continuously monitored by independent regulators to ensure transparency and fairness.

We also invite you to review our Risk disclosure, which outlines the inherent risks of trading CFDs and the potential for rapid and significant fluctuations in the market.

To address your specific concerns, we encourage you to forward the trade ID and relevant details in response to the email we sent you. This will enable us to investigate the trade and support you effectively.

Your satisfaction remains our priority. If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Your regulators and auditors should be question at the very least , possibly sent to have legal action placed against them for not doing their job , or possibly accepting bribes to turn a blind eye to the shady price delivery, that is completely different to advertising. …

Hello @alacran-ablator-2 , we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience. To make things right, our team has already reached out to you via email to address your case. If you have any further inquiries or issues, don’t hesitate to contact us through LiveChat. We’re here to help and would be delighted to assist you further. Thank you!

Please dont talk to me about trading ect , i know how to trade and the risks envolved. Everyone that trades understands the risk …i have no problem trade executions ect , or loosing trades …that is all good and part of it . You guys keep saying you have people checking contracts ect ,thats great , the auditors clearly dont check the one thing they should , and that is you price delivery,…you advertising clearly states price is made up by a random number generator, and that price moves within a certain percentage constantly according to the chosen asset. Example vix ten must move 10% max constantly,these statements are all lies ,anyone can work out percentage movement on any time frame and see that you have no intention of ever staying within these limit , this goes for all you synthetics . I wil say it again , i have not problem with contracts ect , only with price delivery…no where in your advertising does it say what you really do ,simply send price oppisite majority ,these are facts .

Hi @alacran-ablator-2 , we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience. To make things right, our team has already reached out to you via email to address your case. If you have any further inquiries or issues, don’t hesitate to contact us through LiveChat. We’re here to help and would be delighted to assist you further. Thank you!