Deriv robbed me

Subject: Request for Refund and Formal Complaint Regarding Unfair Trading Practices

Dear Deriv Support Team,

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the recent trading experiences I have been having on your platform. In the final 3-5 seconds of a trade, the market moved in the opposite direction, resulting in a significant loss. This is happening to me too often and since I have started placing the same trade on a demo account as I do on the main account and I continuously am winning on the demo yet losing om the live account. This unexplained shift is not only frustrating but also feels unjust. I was under the impression that your markets were designed to mirror the forex markets, but this experience has proven otherwise. Such occurrences do not align with how the forex markets operate, and they are, frankly, detrimental to the mental well-being of many traders, particularly within the black community, who constitute a large portion of your user base.

I am requesting a refund for the amount lost in trade reference number 133888541881. While I understand that markets can fluctuate, the pattern of price movements in this instance felt neither fair nor random. I am not asking for the profits gained from this trade, but simply for the return of my $400+ USD, along with the fair opportunity to trade that I was promised upon signing up for your platform.

As the Permanent Secretary of Cyber Security in my country, I take matters of fairness and transparency very seriously. Feel free to look up my credentials online for verification. If this issue is not addressed appropriately, I will be compelled to recommend that Deriv be banned in my country, as well as in surrounding nations.

I trust you will resolve this matter promptly and fairly. I’ve As it stands the only bank in my country that allows deriv is CIBC Caribbean, If this criminal behavior continues that will stop