Reports that can be generated from an affiliate account

As an affiliate, you can generate several insightful reports from your affiliate account. This will help you track and optimize your campaigns.

These are some of the available reports, as listed below:

  • Hits & Impression report: Displays your hit and clickthrough rates.

  • Countries report: Displays a list of countries where your clicks are coming from.

  • My Players report: Displays a list of clients with their IDs and signup dates.

  • Customer registration: This report lists your registered customers and the details of the advertising they joined via.

  • Customer activity: This report lists detailed activity per customer belonging to your account. You can use the filters to limit customers by their registration details.

  • Customer daily activity: This report lists the daily activity of the specified customers. Supply one or more customer reference IDs in the required fields to see their daily activity.

  • Device report: The report displays your clicks and click reach for devices by name and type, and also identifies if it is a mobile device or not.

  • Media report: This report illustrates the ratio of impressions to hits (click-through rate) per media. Note that this report has its history limited to 12 months.

  • Referrer report: This report lists the number of hits against a referring URL (i.e., the URL of a page you’re displaying advertising on). Note that this report has its history limited to 12 months.

  • Hits log: This report lists all available data for hits so you can perform your own detailed traffic analysis. It is recommended to download the report and analyze it in a spreadsheet application. Note that this report has its history limited to 12 months.

  • Payload report: This report illustrates your hits grouped by their payload. Note that this report has its history limited to 12 months.

  • Funnel report: The funnel report shows the number of conversion events following the chosen period of clicks. Note that this report has its history limited to 12 months.

If you have any questions, please visit our Help Centre or contact us via Live Chat and WhatsApp.