Stock Indices measure the value of a selection of companies in the stock market. This allows investors to see how a particular set of assets is performing.
Why trade Stock Indices on Deriv?
Profit from the price movements in a broad market or sector without owning underlying assets. Sourced from over-the-counter (OTC) markets, our stock indices offer competitively priced asset baskets and allow you to trade outside the regular hours of major stock markets.
- Swap-free trading, no overnight fees - Focus on market movements without worrying about overnight charges.
- Smart, diversified portfolios - Access diverse asset groups and keep your exposure measured with a single trade.
- Negative balance protection - Protect your account from unexpected market swings.
- Spread your risk - Gain broader market exposure and spread risk across leading companies in one trade.
- Zero commission trades - Maximise your potential returns without worrying about extra fees or costs.
Where can you trade Stock Indices on Deriv?
You can trade stock indices on CFDs in Deriv MT5, Deriv c-Trader and Deriv X platform while for Options, you may trade on Deriv Trader, Deriv Bot and Deriv Go.
To know more on Deriv MT5, Deriv c-Trader and Deriv X platform, you may refer to our Deriv Community here:
For Deriv Trader, Deriv Bot and Deriv Go, you may check out our Deriv Community posts here:
What Deriv offers in Stock Indices?
In CFDs, you can find the below markets on the DMT5, Deriv X and Deriv cTrader platforms.
- American Indices: US 500, US Tech 100 and Wall Street 30
- Asian Indices: Australia 200 and Japan 225
- European Indices: Euro 50, France 40, Germany 40, Netherland 25, Spain 35 and UK 100
- Stocks: Apple, Netflix, Tesla Inc, Intel, Mastercard Inc, Coca-cola, Nike, NVIDIA Corp and many more
For more information, you may check here
On Options, you can find the below markets on DTrader, Deriv Go and Deriv Botplatform:
- American Indices: US 500, US Tech 100 and Wall Street 30
- Asian Indices: Australia 200, Hong Kong 50 and Japan 225
- European Indices: Europe 50, France 40, Germany 40, Netherland 25, Swiss 20 and UK 100
We hope the above information finds you well