How to withdraw eusdt to Binance BNB coin

Hi! I triedto withdrew eUSDT to Binance via m USDT Binance Wallet (ERC20), but I received an email form Deriv that since I had deposited the money from Binance using BNB Coins, I should withdraw it in the same BNB coin. My balance is in USDT. But Derive shows me, in the withdrawal page, just to fields, one for my USDT address and another for the USDT amount, it doesn’t give me the option to enter a BNB address. Does anyone know how should I do it? Thank you and regards, Karina

Hello @alnager-agrafes-2, we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience. To make things right, our team has already reached out to you via email to address your case. If you have any further inquiries or issues, don’t hesitate to contact us through LiveChat. We’re here to help and would be delighted to assist you further. Thank you!