Deposit/Withdraw using DP2P without posting ads

Hello Deriv Community, :bulb:

Good News :tada:

You can deposit and withdraw the funds using the DP2P platform without creating/posting Ads.

Steps on how to do it :

Step 1: Kindly go to your cashier page and click on Deriv P2P

Step 2: Click on Buy/Sell tab

Step 3: You may click on “Buy” to deposit and “Sell” to withdraw your funds.

You can simply pick one of the available ads in the buy/sell tab to deposit and withdraw.

Tips : For buy ads, you need to agree with any payment method that the seller put in the ads

Disclaimer : If you are using Deriv P2P for the first time, please ensure you have added your payment method under My profile tab in your Deriv P2P as the image below :

If you have any questions, please contact us via live chat or WhatsApp.