1000$ was stolen from my payment agent account

1000$ was stolen from my payment agent account and logged a complain to deriv but they refuse to take any action on the issue, deriv is not a safe platform to keep your money, pls i need a serious consideration on this issue.


Hello @changan-aediles-2,

Thank you for joining the community and for leaving us a comment.

We are truly sorry to hear that you faced such an issue.

Kindly please get in touch with our Customer support via Live chat for further assistance on this matter and for better protection of your account’s data.

We are available 24/7 and we will work with you to resolve any issue as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

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Did you get your money now?

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No, i didn’t get my money back, deriv didn’t do anything about it, it’s so painful


Hi, @changan-aediles-2 We’re sorry to note that. We need to further check on the issue you encountered. Due to data protection and privacy issue, we suggest you reach out to our Live Chat support and share your issue so that the respective team will resolve the issue as soon as possible.

hice un retiro de 7370usd llevo 2 meses haciendo reclamos hablando por chat y siempre evaden la responsabilidad escudándose en problemas de seguridad si la responsabilidad es de ellos el dinero salió de deriv y nunca llego a mi wallet y además ellos dicen que no tienen registros de esa transacción

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Hola @cannoli-affixal-2 lamentamos notar esto. Sin embargo, necesitaríamos verificar más a fondo su problema. Por lo tanto, comuníquese con nosotros a través de LiveChat para obtener una mejor asistencia y protección de los datos de su cuenta. Trabajaremos con usted para resolver cualquier problema lo más rápido posible.

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