Documents required to fully authenticate your account

Good day

I cant upload mine as it says 8mg but a PDF is much bigger i dont know what to do

Hi @befavor-afeared-2 , we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for allowing us to investigate your feedback further. Weā€™re pleased to inform you that the issue has been resolved in your favor. If you encounter any further problems, please donā€™t hesitate to contact us via LiveChat or WhatsApp. Thank you for your understanding!

Llevo una semana completa y no me han verificado la prueba de identidad y la pegada de domicilio

Hola @arrouse-airpost-2 , le pedimos disculpas por el inconveniente causado. Gracias por permitirnos investigar mĆ”s a fondo su caso. Nos complace informarle que el problema se ha resuelto a su favor. Si tiene mĆ”s problemas, favor no dude en contactarnos a travĆ©s de LiveChat o WhatsApp. Ā”Gracias por su comprensiĆ³n!

Hey, hope you well

Iā€™ve got an issue with my account cashier was blocked it been now more then 2 weeks I havenā€™t got a positive answer or feedback from you guys . I did submit all documents requested but till now you guys keep on telling me to wait

Iā€™ve requested to close my account so I can withdraw my funds but it still taking long . Please tell me what is going on

More than 2 weeks without trading because I canā€™t even place a trade . Iā€™m getting very frustrated and all my funds are blocked for no reason please tell me what is going on and why you canā€™t release my funds or solve my case

Hi @becharm-agamist-2 , we apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for allowing us to investigate your feedback further. Weā€™re pleased to inform you that the issue has been resolved in your favor. If you encounter any further problems, please donā€™t hesitate to contact us via LiveChat or WhatsApp. Thank you for your understanding!

I actually started feeling like Deriv is a scam, have tried to upload my letter from government as proof of address and itā€™s being rejected yet itā€™s part of the requirements have been suffering for weeks now due to this matter and even stopped trading inorder to first sort it out because I think am wasting time trading if I canā€™t withdraw my money

Hello @bandeng-airview-2 , weā€™re truly sorry for the inconvenience. To make things right, our team has already reached out to you via email to address your case. If you have any further inquiries or issues, donā€™t hesitate to contact us through LiveChat. Weā€™re here to help and would be delighted to assist you further. Thank you!